Individual adversity:

The hardest animals to draw are definitely monkeys.

According to a theory which says that humen are harder to draw than animals, they say it's because we see them as individual persons. Animals are perceived by specieses, and when I draw animals, I put together all the main features that animal species has. Horses are horses, if I drew a horse, people wouldn't ask have I ridden that horse or which carrot flavour does it prefer, unlike if I painted a human, they'd ask me who is the model.

So, I might see monkeys as individually as I see my folks. Which naturally means that when I manage to paint one, I'll give it a personal name, something else than Spider Monkey, or Just Monkey.

4 kommenttia:

  1. good thinking lille ;D

  2. toi ylempi on vähän karmiva D::: miten se on tehty? upea

  3. (:: hihi. vinski oon hyvin kiitollinen kun kerroit tästä teoriastasi. oon miettinyt sitä _hyvin_ paljon. koulussa pidin siitä puheen et tunnilla kun piti minuutti puhua jostain :--D hihi.
    ylempi on silkkaa photoshopilla leikkimistä. printtasin ton apinan eka, piirsin sen päälle ja koska se kuva printtaantui mustavalkosena niin fotoSHOPPASIN sen siihen värikuvan päälle.
    kas näin.

  4. Ootko kehitellyt teoriaa pidemmällekin? Mitä kerroit puheessa? :))) t vinskisi
